首页> 中文期刊> 《西南交通大学学报》 >基于FSDT的新老驾驶人危险感知差异性致因研究




In order to reduce the rate of accidents of novice drivers,a hazard perception and rating test was designed using a driving simulator by the fuzzy signal detection theory.Through the test,causes of difference between experienced and novice drivers in hazard perception performance were analyzed.The results show that the difference between the experienced and novice drivers in hazard perception results from the difference of response bias,such that more liberal responses are associated with faster latencies and more conservative responses lead to slower latencies.The correlation coefficient between response bias and latency is 0.81 for the trained novice drivers,0.63 for the untrained novice drivers,and 0.75 for the experienced drivers.Therefore,it is recommended to reduce the hazard threshold of the novice driver through training.%为了降低新驾驶人的事故发生率,基于模糊信号检测理论,通过模拟仿真实验手段,设计并进行了危险感知实验和危险分级实验,在此基础上,分析了新老驾驶人危险感知差异性的原因.研究结果表明:新老驾驶人危险感知差异性是由于反应偏好不同所致,具有宽大偏好反应的驾驶人反应时距小,反应也更快,反之亦然;经过危险感知训练的新驾驶人反应偏好与反应时距之间的相关系数为0.81,未经危险感知训练新驾驶人的相关系数为0.63,经验丰富老驾驶人的相关系数为0.75;在对新驾驶人的训练中,应注重降低新驾驶人的危险阈值.



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