首页> 中文期刊> 《平顶山学院学报》 >西汉政治史观的演变历程及社会原因探析




In the Western Han Dynasty ,the political history had experienced several great changes . Liu Bang’s political history was fuzzy and utilitarian,and he followed the Qin Dynasty’s governance by virtue of wa-ter in the early Western Dan Dynasty. It was the virtue system of soil in the mid Western Han Dynasty. From the mid Western Han Dynasty,the political history became to the virtue system of fire. In the late Western Han Dy-nasty,Wang Mang made clever use of the change of the political history to set up a virtue system of soil. There were deep social reasons for the changes of the political history in the Western Han Dynasty.%西汉时期,政治史观经历了几次大的变化。刘邦的政治史观是模糊而功利的,在汉初政治、经济衰敝的形势下,不得不沿袭了秦的水德之制。汉武帝时,其政治野心及对升仙的喜好,使之选择了土德之制。汉武帝晚期的“尧母门”及汉昭帝时期眭弘的“汉家尧后”,使西汉中后期政治史观产生了巨大变化,五行相克被五行相生原理取代,汉为火德的政治史观逐渐确立。王莽巧妙地利用西汉后期政治史观的这一变化,建立了土德之制。西汉时期政治史观的每次变化,都有着深刻的社会原因,并对西汉政治产生深远影响。



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