首页> 中文期刊> 《东北林业大学学报》 >紫外线照射灭卵效果的荧光探针技术检测




以林木害虫舞毒蛾(Lymantria dispar L.)虫卵为试验材料,利用吖啶橙、罗丹明123、Ho33342和碘化丙啶4种荧光探针追踪标记虫卵细胞内部的不同细胞器,研究了紫外线照射对舞毒蛾虫卵的微现影响.研究表明:经过紫外线照射后,吖啶橙标记的虫卵细胞产生红色荧光;罗丹明123标记虫卵细胞荧光强度有所减弱;Ho33342和碘化丙啶标记的虫卵细胞产生大量粉红色荧光,并且,细胞形态发生了改变.紫外线照射导致虫卵细胞大量DNA链断裂,线粒体膜电位差下降,坏死细胞逐渐增多.荧光探针技术体现了物理灭虫的有效性.%An experiment was conducted to study the effect of ultraviolet irradiation on the microstructure of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L. ) eggs using fluorescence probes such as acridine orange, rhodanmine123, Ho33342 and Propidium iodide (PI) to trace and mark different organelles in egg cells. Results indicated that, after ultraviolet in'adiation, the egg cells marked with acridine orange gave off red fluorescence; the fluorescence intensity of egg cells marked with rhodamine123 decreased; egg cells marked with Ho33342 and PI gave off a lot of pink fluorescence, and the shape of cells changed. Because of the ultraviolet irradiation,much DNA of egg cells strands broke; electric potential of mitochondria membrane decreased; necrotic cells increased by degrecs. Fluorescence probe technique shows the validity of physical extermination of insects.



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