首页> 中文期刊> 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 >理查德·罗蒂的科学划界观论析




Richard Rorty tried to cancel thoroughly the question of science demarcation ,abolishing scientific methods by dialogue,replacing pursuit to truth by pursuit to newness,explaining the motive and origin of seienee demarcation by metaphysics console and historic coincidence. This did not conform to the historic facts of the origin and development of science,and did not help to research and control the complicated objective world respectively. On the other hand,this would make different pseudoscience enter seienee domain,and it might hinder people to recognize and eontrol the world. Between science and non-science,not only is there relative bounds,but also there are some relative criteria of science de- marcation,such as scientific examined criteria,scientific simplified criteria,scientific logie completed eriteria and scientific repeated eriteria,and so on. In short,criteria of science demarcation is concrete and historic,not invariable, we should acknowledge the fact that the criteria of science demareation are speeifie, historical and uncertain. Thus it is unreasonable for Rorty to utterly deny the certainty of the criteria of science demarcation. The uncertainty of the eriterion of science demarcation is just grounded on its certainty. Science is the dialectical unity of certainty and uncertainty.%理查德·罗蒂用“对话”来替代科学方法,以求“新奇”来取代求真知,仅仅以“形而上学的安慰”和“历史的巧合”来解释科学划界的发生动因,试图消解科学划界问题本身,这并不符合科学发生发展的实际情形,不利于对复杂对象世界进行分门别类的探究,而且也会使形形色色的非科学与伪科学混入科学领地,阻碍人们正确认识世界。科学与非科学之间不仅具有相对确定的界限,而且也存在着一些相对确定的划界标准如科学的可检验性标准、科学的简单性标准、科学的逻辑自洽性标准、科学的相容性标准等。科学划界问题是不容消解的,而划界标准又是具体的、历史的,科学划界标准是确定性与不确定性的辩证统一。



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