首页> 中文期刊> 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 >霍尔丹与马克思主义唯物辩证法




Haldane is known to the world for his great achievements in biology. He is the first scientist who estimates the gene mutation rate of humans, and is also one of the founders of biometrical genetics. It is his brilliant achievements in science that keep in the shade his contribution in Marxist philosophy. Haldane is actually a loyal Marxist and an advocator of Bernalism. At his time when Marxism was prevailing in western countries, he revealed great courage in advocating materialistic dialectics, especially the natural dialectics created by Engels. His achievements in science, political activities and outlook of philosophy were all guided by materialistic dialectics. Haldan's achievements refute the bias against natural dialectics among the western scholars.%人们对霍尔丹的了解主要来源于他对生物学领域的贡献。霍尔丹是第一个估算人类突变率的科学家,是群体遗传学的奠基人之一。正是因为这些卓越的科学成就掩盖了他在马克思主义哲学方面的贡献。其实,霍尔丹是一位忠诚的马克思主义者,贝尔纳主义的倡导者。在他那个年代,西方马克思主义如此盛行的背景下,他能作为另类人物去积极的宣扬和捍卫唯物辩证法,特别是恩格斯的自然辩证法着实需要一种勇气。而这一勇气的馈赠正是来自于唯物辩证法的强大力量。不论是他的科学生涯、政治活动还是他的哲学世界观都能体现出唯物辩证法的踪迹。霍尔丹的这一贡献可以说有力地驳斥了西方学者对自然辩证法的偏见。



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