


“集六朝之大成”的作家庾信文学思想中的核心价值观是“性灵”观。其文学创作既主张抒发真情,也强调抒发悲情。庾信的“性灵说”与《诗经》“性情论”既有联系,又有区别。其联系是都充分肯定“性情”的合理性,主张文学必须反映现实生活。其区别在于:庾信性灵观强调文学的本体特征就是抒发和表现真情、悲情;庾信性灵观注入了老庄清静无为、崇尚自然的思想;庾信更为注重文学作品揭示作家个人内心情感生活的隐秘层面,这是对前代文学创作思想的超越与创新。庾信“性灵说”的出新,是时风机遇、思想升华、理性自觉等综合因素使然,其影响所及,代不乏人。%The core of YU Xin's viewpoints on literature was put on spiritual literature. His literal creation reveals his true emotions and sadness as well. There exist both similarities and differences between YU Xin's spiritual literature and disposition in The Book of Songs. The similarities are that both of them recognize the reasonability of disposition, and hold that literature must reflect real life. The differences are that YU Xin emphasizes that literature should reveal true emotions and sadness of humans, and his viewpoints on spiritual literature are integrated with the idea of quietness, inaction and nature worship of LAO Zi and ZHUANG Zi. Meanwhile, he lays more emphasis on the revelation of the inner world of authors. His achievements surpassed and innovated the traditional practice of literal creation.



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