首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >简牍的普遍应用与春秋战国时期教育的转型




This paper investigates education reform during the Spring-Autumn and Warring States peri-ods through the perspective of the evolution of the medium for writing. Though bamboo and wood slips had been used as the medium for writing as early as in the Shang Dynasty,their popularity did not come until the productivity in making those slips had been substantially raised because of the wide-spread use of iron tools. The popularity of bamboo and wood slips used for writing promoted the spread of government-collected classics among the common people,who consequently got access to the school-ing which had been confined to the noble class. In addition,it also helped transform the education from focusing on skill-training to acquiring the new form of text-based instruction,thus ushering in the new chapter of education based on text reading and lecturing.%  从媒介演进的视角考察春秋战国时期教育的变革学界鲜有关注。虽然简牍作为书写材料至少可以追溯到商代,但简牍的流行则是在铁器普及从而提高了简牍制作效率以后。简牍的普遍应用促进官藏典籍向民间扩散,也将原来局限于贵族阶层的读书活动带到民间,促进教学内容由技能形态向文本形态的过渡,开启了中国古代以文本阅读和讲述为主的书本教育时代。



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