首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >魏晋六朝官学行政体制与师生管理制度考辨




魏晋六朝虽然官学兴废无常,但学官却是常设的。一方面由于朝代更迭频繁,学校设置多元化,这个时期在行政体制、师生管理制度等方面在承袭汉代基本管理制度框架基础上,又有所创新。但另一方面,由于官学此时流于一种政治合法性的符号,纸上对于制度的规定,与实际的情形存在较大差距,导致学官成为一种没有实质工作的虚衔。然而不可否认,这依然体现出了教育的隐性政治功能。%Although the official schools in Wei-Jin Period and Six Dynasties experienced rise and fall in their development,the position of school officers was comparatively stable. On the one hand, though the political conditions were volatile and school establishment diversified,this period made some innovations in the administrative setup and teacher&student management system though basical-ly following the Han Dynastys practice. On the other,because the official school in this period was re-duced to a political symbol of legitimacy,the real situation was quite different from what was written in the text. This simply reduced the position of school officer to an empty title. But,we should recognize that these also reflect the latent function of the politics.



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