首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >“法律儒家化”与魏晋以来的“制定法运动”




The legal history of the four hundred years from the Han and Wei dynasties to the Tang Dy-nasty witnessed the rise and fall of the movement of codification. Against such a background, we at-tempt to answer the question why this movement started from the Wei and Jin period by focusing on how the Confucianization of law influenced the formulation of Lü律( The Code) and Ling令( The De-cree) and the role played by the statute in the legal practice at that time. Through revisiting the notion of Confucianization of law by putting it into that context, we analyze how the Confucian principles be-hind shaped the forms of these two important legal documents which were very different from the codes in the Qin and Han dynasties. We also discuss the status of the textology of the Confucian canons on which the Confucianization of law was based and the role it played in promoting the theory and practice of codification.%自汉魏之际到盛唐这四百余年的法制史上,出现了一个连绵不绝和逐浪高涨地强调制定法(法典)作用和地位,而后又迅速消退衰落的历史运动。本文以此为背景,围绕着“为什么制定法运动开启于魏晋时期”的问题,集中讨论了“法律儒家化”进程对于当时《律》、《令》形态进化、法典在司法过程中作用和地位强化的影响。重新审视了“法律儒家化”命题的内涵和背景;分析了魏晋时期把儒经所示礼法关系准则及相关理念贯穿于《律》、《令》,由此推动其体例较之秦汉发生了重大变化的史实;讨论了法律儒家化进程所据古文经学的形态,及其甚有利于制定法理念和实践不断展开的性质;明确了当时修撰礼典与制订《律》、《令》相互关联,遂使制定法运动与法律儒家化进程得以相伴扩展的趋势。



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