首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >论两宋士人探讨文道关系的异向性及其认识价值




Among intellectuals in the Song Dynasties,professional writers,traditional Confucians and scholars with a strong philosophical bent made up the major groups who explored the relationship be-tween wen and dao. When examining the essence of the relationship between the two key notions in ancient Chinese traditional intellectual life,professional writers focused on such aspects of wen as its independence from dao as well as its unique function. Compared with the first group,traditional Con-fucians were more interested in how wen interacted with dao from the perspective of“root”vs.“deriv-ative”. However,the third group held a paradoxical view on the relationship between wen and dao:on the one hand,the relationship was extended to cover that between the form and content of culture;on the other,wen was reduced to referring to literature in the modern sense. In addition,in their view, the independence of wen from dao was missing. Obliviously,such a conflicting view on the relation-ship between wen and dao was the effect of the views held by the other two groups of scholars.%“文章之士”、“传统儒学之士”、“道学之士”是两宋士人探讨文道关系的主要群体。“文章之士”探讨文道关系之中心与重心,主要集中于“文”之独立性、主体性和功用性等。“传统儒学之士”主要集中于文道关系、文与道如何发生关系这两个层面上,尤其注重从体用、本末等方面进行研究。“道学之士”探讨文道关系则具有泛化倾向,其文道关系或被替换为文化载体与文化精神之关系,或其“文”之内涵被缩小,等同于现代意义上“文学”的某些内容及形式等。“文”之独立性、“文”与“道”应居平等地位等逻辑客观性品格,亦为“道学之士”所忽视甚至抹杀。比较来看,“道学之士”之文道观念显然受到了其他两类士人群体的重要影响。



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