


The reason why Russia has turned its transition from a nearly complete failure to a success lies in the fact that the Russian government led by Putin has made eight key adjustments in its policies through drawing good lessons from its transition led by Yeltsin,thus having successfully accomplished its second round of transition in that the country has formed a new Russia model characterized by a sys-tem of new thoughts,a powerful nation,a mixed economy,a civil society and a sovereign democracy and blazed a new path of transition with Russian characteristics. The general law Russia's transition has shown us is that a country's social transition should firmly follow a road with its own characteris-tics. A successful transition depends on exploring a theory in agreement with its own conditions relent-lessly;promoting a coordinated reform in political,economic,cultural and social areas;adopting a strategy of gradual reform;sticking to the principle of openness and fairness;advocating the coopera-tion between elites and the masses;and accomplishing a virtuous interaction between the government and the society.%转型以来,俄罗斯从濒临失败转向成功,主要在于以普京为首的俄罗斯政府深刻总结了叶利钦时期转型的教训,对俄罗斯的转型作了八大调整,实现了第二次转型,初步形成了以新俄罗斯思想、强大国家、混合经济、公民社会和主权民主为主要特征的俄罗斯模式,开辟了具有俄罗斯特色的转型道路。俄罗斯社会转型给予我们的一般规律主要是:社会转型应当坚定不移地走具有本国特色的转型道路,努力探索符合本国国情的思想理论,推进政治改革、经济改革、文化改革和社会改革的综合协调发展,实行渐进主义战略,坚持公平正义原则,推动精英与民众的团结协作,寻求国家与社会的良性互动。




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