首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >转译界面:夯实民众对主流意识形态认同的恰切进路




Within the modern Chinese social space where people’s ideas and values are changing rapidly and multiple social trends are interacting with each other,it is of great significance to strengthen people’s identification with,acceptance of and obedience to the mainstream ideology on their own initiative,because this is closely related to the legitimacy of the CPC’s governance,the success in the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics and the fulfillment of the Chinese dream for a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Against a historical background of de-ideologicalization going together with re-ideologicalization, through constructing three translation interfaces(i.e. interfaces between ideology and material,democracy as well as law),the mainstream ideology,which is relatively abstract and removed from people’s daily life,can be translated into a form which is able to take root in people’s mind from its original form characterized by big theories and grand narratives. Through these translations,the mainstream ideology will evolve into an integral part of people’s mentality and value system. In this sense,making the mainstream ideology translatable at different interfaces provides us with an effective way to strengthen the construction of mainstream ideology and consolidate people’s identification with it on their own initiative.%在思想观念深刻嬗变和多元社会思潮相互混搭的当代中国社会空间结构中,夯实民众对主流意识形态的自觉认同、接受与遵从,关涉到中国共产党执政的合法性基础,关涉到中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业的兴衰浮沉,关涉到中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的实现。在所谓“去意识形态化”和“再意识形态化”的时代背景下,通过建构物质维度、民主维度和法治维度的转译界面,把以注重理念和以宏大叙事方式为主要特色,并且以理论、概念体系等语言形式表达出来的那些较为抽象和远离人们日常生活实践的主流意识形态,植入到民众的意识中去,并使之成为他们的一种心灵习性和日常生活实践行为取舍与选择的价值自觉,可能是切实加强我国主流意识形态建设,夯实民众对主流意识形态认同的恰切进路。



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