首页> 中文期刊> 《工程地质学报》 >岩体工程地质动力学基本原理




This paper introduces the principles of engineering geological dynamics of rockmass (EGDR). It points out that the mission of EGDR is to reveal the law of interaction between rockmass and geo-dynamic factors. EGDR basically studies the following aspects: the dynamic origin and features of the material and structure of rockmass, the crustal-dynamical environment of rockmass, the dynamic behaviour and process of rockmass, and the principle of geohazard prevention for rock engineering. The basic viewpoints of EGDR includes the following subjects. (a)The geo-dynamic genesis which means rockmass and its geological features are the results of crustal dynamic process.(b) Dynamic interaction that means the engineering behaviour of rockmass is the reflection of the interplay between rockmass and the geo-environment. (c) The point of process adjustment that infers the basic approach for engineering geohazard prevention is to adjust the interacting process between rockmass and the geodynamical environment. The following aspects have been described in details under the framework of geo-dynamics: ( 1 ) the dynamic genesis and geological features of rockmass, (2) the features of geo-dynamical environment of rockmass, (3) the fundamental mechanical behaviour of rockmass, (4) the features and behaviours of rockmass under high crustalstress, (5) the dynamic reaction of rockmass, and (6) the reaction of ground water in rockmass.%本文简要介绍了岩体工程地质动力学的基本原理.文章认为岩体工程地质动力学的任务是揭示岩体与各类工程地质动力因素的作用规律,其主要研究内容包括:岩体物质和结构的动力学成因与特性,岩体赋存的地壳动力学环境,岩体的动力学行为与过程,以及岩体工程防灾原理等.岩体工程地质动力学的基本观点包括:岩体及其特性是地球动力学作用结果的"动力成因观"、岩体的工程行为是岩体与动力学环境相互作用结果的"动力作用观",以及工程地质防灾的基本途径是调节岩体与环境的相互作用过程的"过程调节观".文章在动力作用观的框架下,系统阐述了岩体的动力学成因与特性,岩体赋存的地壳动力学环境特征,岩体的基本力学行为,高地应力环境岩体特性与力学行为,岩体动力学响应,岩体中地下水的作用规律等.



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