首页> 中文期刊> 《信息安全与通信保密》 >武器级勒索软件催生全球网络空间防扩散机制建设契机




2017年5月至7月爆发的勒索软件攻击事件,本质上是将勒索软件作为一种网络武器实施的网络攻击行为;促成这种攻击事件最重要的原因,是武器级的网络工具"永恒之蓝"被黑客组织发布在全球网络上,且当前缺乏一种有效预防网络武器及其相关能力、技术、资源在网络空间扩散的国际机制.武器级勒索软件的攻击,从积极的方面看,催生了推进建设和完善全球网络空间防扩散机制的契机,中国应该在此过程中发挥积极引领的关键作用.%The Ransomware attacking issues happened in May and July in 2017 by nature is a kind of cyber attack in which the ransomware used as a kind of cyber weapon. The main reason leading to the production of the attack is the illegal releasing of the cyber weapon represented by Enteral Blue and lacking of a regime of non-proliferation to prevent the proliferation of cyber weapon and its related capacity, technology and resources in the global cyberspace. On the positive aspect, all these issues provide a window of opportunity for building a regime of non-proliferation in the global cyberspace. China should play a constructive leading role in such kind of process.



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