首页> 中文期刊> 《水产科学》 >鸭绿沙塘鳢人工繁殖和苗种培育试验




The artificial propagation of sleeper Odontobutis yalunensis as an economically important freshwater fish remains to be a bottleneck for development of sleeper culture in China .The preliminary research on the artificial propagation technology and fry culture of the sleeper was conducted in Xinbin county ,Liaoning province from 2009 to 2010 .A total of 1030 pairs of sleeper broodstock were induced to spaw n by hormone injection in 2009 ,with spaw ning success of 76 .9% ,and average fertilization rate of 80% .A total of 5 .2 × 104 fry were produced with average hatching rate of 21% ,and then 2 .1 × 104 fingerlings with average total body length of 3 .15 cm were obtained after 30~60 day rearing .In 2010 ,204 pairs of sleeper broodstock were induced to spawn and produced 12 .9 × 104 eggs by the improved method , with average spawning success of 82 .5% ,and average fertilization rate of 84% .A total of 9 .2 × 104 fry were produced with the average hatching rate of 83 .6% ,and 5 .4 × 104 fingerlings with average total body length of 3 .20 cm were obtained after 30~60 day rearing .The findings show that the sleeper spawn as early as in the middle of April in Liaoning province at the minimal water temperature of 8 ℃ .The best artificial propagation of sleeper was found under twice induction by LHRH-A2 + DOM at a dose of (6μg/kg + 4 mg/kg) per kg body weight .The hatching rate was improved by over 4 times by a new simple and efficient incubation method .The fry was fed Cladocera and Limnodrilus and began to cannibalize after the fish had total body length of 1 .2 cm .%鸭绿沙塘鳢是我省乃至我国淡水特有经济鱼类,其人工繁殖技术尚未有效解决。2009-2010年在辽宁新宾平顶山镇进行了6个批次的鸭绿沙塘鳢人工繁殖和苗种培育试验。2009年共催产鸭绿沙塘鳢1030组,平均催产率76.9%,平均受精率80%,平均孵化率21%,获卵31.0万粒,获仔鱼5.2万尾,经30~60 d培育,获平均全长3.15 cm稚鱼2.1万尾;2010年应用自制产卵孵化器和雄鱼护卵孵化的方法,共催产鸭绿沙塘鳢204组,平均催产率为82.5%,获卵12.9万粒,平均受精率84%,平均孵化率83.6%,获仔鱼9.2万尾,经30~60 d培育,获平均全长3.20 cm稚鱼5.4万尾。试验结果表明,该鱼在辽宁最早繁殖时期为4月中旬,产卵最低水温8℃,二次注射,最佳催产药物为促黄体素释放激素A2+马来酸地欧酮,剂量为4μg/kg+4 mg/kg ,用改进后的人工繁殖方法,孵化率可提高4倍以上,简便高效。人工培育鸭绿沙塘鳢鱼苗饵料可为枝角类、水丝蚓等,全长达1.2 cm后开始互相残食。



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