首页> 中文期刊> 《应用数学》 >Numerical Solution of Constrained Mechanical System Motions Equations and Inverse Problems of Dynamics

Numerical Solution of Constrained Mechanical System Motions Equations and Inverse Problems of Dynamics



In this paper the method of design of kinematical and dynamical equations of mechanical systems, applied to numerical ealization, is proposed. The corresponding difference equations, which are obtained, give a guarantee of computations with a given precision. The equations of programmed constraints and those of constraint perturbations are defined. The stability of the programmed manifold for numerical solutions of the kinematical and dynamical equations is obtained by corresponding construction of the constraint perturbation equations. The dynamical equations of system with programmed constraints are set up in the form of Lagrange’s equations in generalized coordinates. Certain inverse problems of rigid body dynamics are examined.


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