首页> 中文期刊> 《中国舰船研究》 >美国舰船概念方案设计方法发展综述




The conceptual design of naval ships is of vital significance to the overall effectiveness,develop⁃ment risk,and cost of ships,since the main characteristics and functions of the ship are all determined during this phase. By analyzing the conceptual design progress of US naval ships,three stages can be ob⁃served:the development of the ship synthesis model,the research on overall effectiveness,and the gener⁃al optimization of the conceptual plan. Firstly,the basic principles and drawbacks of the ship synthesis model are analyzed. Secondly,the systematical framework and methods for evaluating the total effective⁃ness,which are represented by overall effectiveness,development risk,and cost,are presented. Lastly, the optimization of the scheme and its applications are proposed. In brief,certain lessons can be drawn from the progress of US naval ship conceptual exploration methods,which could in turn help us to perfect our own conceptual design systems.%舰船的主要总体特性和功能特征是在概念方案设计阶段确定,该阶段对舰船方案的综合效能、研制风险和研制费用具有重要影响。通过分析美国舰船概念方案设计体系和方法发展特点,将其分为舰船综合模型开发、总体方案综合效能评估和总体方案综合优化3个阶段。针对舰船综合模型,归纳整理基本原理和发展历程,分析其不足;阐述基于效能、费用和风险的舰船总体方案综合效能评价体系及方法;对基于综合效能优化的舰船概念方案设计原理及应用进行系统的梳理。美国舰船概念方案设计方法的发展特点与经验对我国舰船概念方案设计体系的研究和发展具有借鉴意义。



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