首页> 中文期刊> 《中国法医学杂志》 >'杀亲案件'135例法医学回顾分析




Objective Summarize the information of 135 killing familiar cases and study the characteristics of these cases, in order to analysis the key points of the case investigation. Methods Collected the data of the 135 killing familiar homicides cases which have solved and happened in a province middle of China from 2011 to 2013. The paper analyzed the data accordding the basic information, the forensic professional, the forensic scene and so on. Results Most killing familiar cases occured between husband and wife or parents and children. The cases frequently occur in rural areas. Most of the cases occur between the adults. The killing familiar cases commonly occur in Decemember, January, Feburary, the cases commonly occur in evening(from 6 pm to 6 am). The motivate of the cases is unobvious, the murder suffer from the mental patient is commonly. In these cases, mostly tools of crime is the blunt tools and the sharp tools. Mechanical asphyxia and mechanical iniury were the most commonly causes of death in these cases. Conclusion The social characteristics of suspect, injury tool, cause of death, time of the incident in the killing familiar case showed similar general characteristics, but how collect evidence in the case is the difficulty of the case investigation.%目的 通过总结我省135例杀亲案件的案件资料,研究杀亲案件的特点,分析杀亲案件的侦办要点.方法 收集2011~2013年间我国中部某省区域内发生的135例杀亲案件,对数据资料进行分析.结果 杀亲案件主要发生在夫妻之间及父母子女,好发于农村,青壮年多见.一般无明显杀人动机,作案工具多为就地取材,死亡原因以机械性损伤和机械性窒息为主.结论 杀亲案件在嫌疑人社会学特点、致伤工具、死亡原因、案发时间等方面反映出一定共性,但案件证据的收集是案件的侦办难点.



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