首页> 中文期刊> 《高技术通讯》 >全球核电发展态势分析




Based on the USPTO's patent database,the article analyzes the developing trends of global nuclear power.It arrives at the conclusions below.The nuclear power lacks technological breakthroughs,and the nuclear fusion technology is still at the basic research stage.A few developed countries possess most of nuclear power patents,and China still far lags behind them.The results also show that the nuclear power plants construction gives a great positive impact on the nuclear innovation of France,Japan and Korea,and nuclear accidents give a great negative impact on nuclear innovation.Japan's nuclear accident would damage its dominant position in this field.China should learn from other countries' experiences and introduce,digest advanced technologies from abroad,to creat its own nuclear power technologies.%基于美国专利商标局(USPTO)授权专利数据库的专利数据分析了全球核电发展的态势.分析发现,核电技术缺少新的技术突破,核聚变技术仍在探索发展阶段;我国与国际核电技术前沿具有较大差距,国际核电技术仍然掌握在少数发达国家手中;法国、日本、韩国等通过核电产业的快速发展迅速站到了国际技术前沿,值得后发国家学习;核电站事故对发生国核电技术发展具有致命性的打击,日本核电危机为我国承接全球核电技术转移提供了契机;核电领域专利合作很少,但企业整合、兼并频繁,我国应利用核电产业快速发展的市场优势,在技术开发中能够协同作战,瞄准核心技术和关键技术,实现自主创新,摆脱依赖和控制.



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