首页> 中文期刊> 《中国癌症杂志》 >食管癌手术治疗原则和淋巴结清扫




The purposc ofsurgical management of esophageal cancer includes accurate staging and complete removal of the disease so as to achieve optimal local control and long-term survival with satisfactory quality of life.Surgical indications and selection of proper approaches should be based on careful evaluation of the extent of disease.as well as the performance status of the patients. Systemic lymph node dissection is an important part in surgical management of esophageal cancer. Rational application of lymph node dissection should be based on anatomy of lymphatic drainage and characteristics of tumor biology. To improve thc surgical results, it is indispensible to understand the implications of the new international staging system and to abide by the Chincsc Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of Esophageal Cancers.%食管癌的外科治疗应在仔细评估肿瘤的进展程度和患者的功能状况基础上掌握手术指征和手术方式,通过根治性的手术切除达到准确的手术病理分期和良好的局部控制,并籍此提高生存率和生活质量.系统性淋巴结清扫是食管癌外科治疗中的重要手段,应根据食管癌淋巴转移的解剖和生物学行为特点选择规范、合理的清扫.如何正确解读新版国际食管癌临床病理分期、理解并遵循<中国食管癌规范化诊治指南>进行规范化的外科诊治是提高治疗效果的关键.



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