首页> 中文期刊> 《物理学报》 >超冷极性分子




The research field of ultracold atoms has expanded from atomic and molecular physics to a variety of fields. Ultracold polar molecules have long range and anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions, and similar to atoms, can also be conveniently manipulated by laser and other electromagnetic fields. Thus, ultracold molecules offer promising applications such as ultracold chemistry, quantum simulation, and quantum information. However, due to the difficulty in creating ultracold ground state molecules, expanding the horizon of ultracold physics from atoms to molecules is still under development. In the past decade, many research groups have successfully created bi-alkali rovibrational ground state polar molecules using magneto association and stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP). This paper presents a review of the recent progress including creating and manipulating ultracold molecules with this method, and the collision property of molecules at ultracold temperature.%目前对超冷原子的研究已经从最初的原子分子物理扩展到了物理的很多分支.极性分子可以将电偶极相互作用引入到超冷体系,同时分子又与原子类似,可以灵活地被光和其他电磁场操控,因而很多理论工作都预言了超冷极性分子在超冷化学、量子模拟和量子信息等领域会有重要的应用.但由于超冷基态分子的制备非常困难,如何把超冷物理从原子发展到分子还是一个方兴未艾的课题.过去的10年间,各种分子冷却技术都取得了很大突破,本文回顾了这些进展,并着重介绍了基于异核冷原子的磁缔合结合受激拉曼转移这一技术,该技术在制备高密度的基态碱金属超冷极性分子上取得了较大的成功.本文也总结了超冷极性碱金属分子基本碰撞特性研究的一些实验结果.



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