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Air pollution is monitored in the San Francisco Bay Area at some 30 stations. The data thus collected is intended to be representative of air pollution in the whole air basin. It is also assumed that the manner in which these data are summarized and reported is appropriate for comparisons with air quality standards. These two issues, the representativity of the air pollution data and the validity of certain statistical procedures used to process these data are the subject matter of the present work.; In order to gauge the representativity of the air pollution data collected, it is necessary to assess the variations in pollution levels with time and location. Meteorology is an obvious factor of these variations, so that the statistical interplay between pollution and weather is first investigated. This investigation is limited to oxidant, the worst pollutant in the Bay Area, and to the months of July and August, the worst months for oxidant pollution. It is actually the logarithm of the oxidant level which is used throughout this work, for statistical reasons. There are eight weather variables available to summarize the meteorology of the Bay Area: temperature, wind, speed, percentage sunshine and stability at various locations. The linear effect of the weather on pollution is gauged through regressions. Using all weather factors is not advantageous because of multicollinearity among weather factors. Only the overall effect of the weather on oxidant pollution is captured using the available meteorological data. This is seen by computing partial correlations between stations given the weather.; To test the sufficiency or redundancy of the available data, oxidant pollution at one station is predicted from the weather data and oxidant levels at other levels. Several such prediction methods are used and tested using cross-validation. The most effective method, which in particular predicts well high the oxidant values we are more concerned with, involved only the other monitoring stations as predictors, with no weather variables used, intercept set to zero and rate coefficients adding up to one. This approach could be used for a quick and cheap survey of unmonitored areas: schools, hospitals or other sensitive areas.; Oxidant pollution is summarized using the daily maximum of hourly averages. In practice these hourly averages refer to consecutive, non-overlapping one-hour periods. If continuous hourly averages were used instead, the daily maximum would be different. How different is the question which is next answered using stochastic models: Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. These models show the difference not to be significant. They are then used to predict high oxidant episodes. Those predictions are compared to observed data and shown to be accurate enough to be useful.



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