
Set-up of a sloshing laboratory at the University of Western Australia


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A university laboratory has been equipped for carrying out ex-rnperiments on sloshing dynamics inside tanks. In a frst seriesrnof runs the measurement of the sloshing pressure on the wallsrnof a rectangular tank at various flling levels were carried out.rnFor this activity the pressure time histories at some specifc loca-rntions together with the instantaneous position of the tank werernrecorded. Furthermore, images of the sloshing events with a highrnspeed video camera, have been acquired in synchronization withrnthe other signals.rnThe design and operation of such a facility involved a number ofrnforeseen activities but also mitigation of least anticipated roadrnblocks. Many of these were resolved on the go. Since the en-rntire activity was to be carried out in a university environmentrnpart of the equipment was developed in-house. This approachrnhas the advantage of considerable rexibility but on the contraryrnunforeseen diu000eculties can arise.rnThis paper aims to report on the problems that were faced dur-rning the set-up and operation and suitable solutions that werernadopted. Some of the topics reported here have to do with therntechnological aspects of the measuring chain while others arernmore related to the physics of the row. The following issues,rnwere of particular importance: 1) signal conditioning; 2) oper-rnation of the pressure transducers; 3) choice of the optimal sam-rnpling frequency; 4) synchronization of the signals and the images;rn5) testing procedure and order of the operations; 6) data storagernand test logging.
机译:一个大学实验室已经装备好,可以对坦克内部的晃动动力学进行实验。在第一个系列中,测量了在不同充水水平下矩形罐的壁上的晃动压力。为此,记录了在某些特定位置的压力时间历史以及罐的瞬时位置。此外,已经与其他信号同步获取了使用高速摄像机拍摄的晃动事件的图像。这种设施的设计和操作涉及许多可预见的活动,但也减轻了预期最差的路障。其中许多已在旅途中解决。由于将在大学环境中进行娱乐活动,因此部分设备是在内部开发的。这种方法具有相当高的可重复性的优点,但是相反会出现无法预料的困难。本文旨在报告在设置和操作过程中面临的问题以及所采用的适当解决方案。此处报告的某些主题与测量链的技术方面有关,而其他主题则与该行的物理学有关。以下问题特别重要:1)信号调理; 2)压力传感器的操作; 3)选择最佳采样频率; 4)信号和图像的同步; rn5)测试程序和操作顺序; 6)数据存储和测试记录。



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