首页> 外文会议>First Meeting Asia Current Research on Fluid Inclusion: Program with Abstracts >The fluid immiscibility at magmatic to hydrothermal transition and its bearing on ore-forming process in the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan, China: Evidence from fluid inclusions

The fluid immiscibility at magmatic to hydrothermal transition and its bearing on ore-forming process in the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan, China: Evidence from fluid inclusions


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The Mianning REE deposit hosts the third world's largest known REE resource. Three types of ore body i.e., aegirine-augite-barite pegmatite, carbonatite and veinlet types, have been recognized. Fenitizations is well developed around the carbonatite complex which is composed of various sizes of cabonatite, alkali basic pegmatite, lamprophyre, granite porphyry and diabase dikes. Bastnaesite constitutes the major REE ore mineral in association with gangues of aegirine, augite, microcline, perthite, calcite, quartz, barite and fluorite. As evidenced by hundreds of fluids inclusions studies, the great bulk of magmatic-related ore deposits were formed from dense aqueous fluids, in part with a significant mole fraction of CO_2 and other gas, at temperatures of well under 500 ℃( ROEDDER, 1992). The dense aqueous fluids is a high-density, high-salinity phase and is typically referred to as either "hydrosaline liquid/melt" or "brine"(HALTER, WEBSTER, 2004). Hydrosaline liquid inclusions with daughter minerals, along with different type of fluid inclusions, have been found in fluorite and quartz in the early stage of the aegirine-augite-barite pegmatite vein in Mianning REE deposit. These fluid inclusions pppulation provides a unique opportunity of investigating the composition of the fluid during the magmatic to hydrothermal transition. The present study focuses on the nature of the fluids involved in REE mineralization in the deposit, and on the possibility that fluid immiscibility at magmatic to hydrothermal transition of an original H_2O-CO_2-BaSO_4-NaCl-(F-REE) fluids may have contributed to ore genesis for Mianning REE deposit.
机译:绵宁稀土矿床拥有第三世界最大的已知稀土资源。已经认识到三种类型的矿体,即,aegirine-augite-重晶石伟晶岩,碳酸盐岩和脉脉类型。碳酸盐岩复合体的成岩作用发育良好,该复合岩由各种大小的方钠石,碱性碱性伟晶岩,斑岩,花岗岩斑岩和辉绿岩堤构成。 astaesite构成主要的REE矿石矿物,包括a石、,石,microcline,perthite,方解石,石英,重晶石和萤石的脉石。正如数百个流体包裹体研究所证明的那样,大量岩浆相关的矿床是由稠密的含水流体形成的,其中一部分在相当高的温度下(500℃以下)含有大量的摩尔比的CO_2和其他气体(ROEDDER,1992) 。稠密的含水流体是高密度,高盐度的相,通常被称为“盐水水溶液/熔体”或“盐水”(HALTER,WEBSTER,2004)。绵宁REE矿床中的Aegirine-Agite-重晶石伟晶岩脉的早期,在萤石和石英中发现了含子矿物的氢盐液体包裹体以及不同类型的流体包裹体。这些流体包裹体的形成为研究岩浆到热液转变过程中流体的组成提供了独特的机会。本研究的重点是矿床中涉及稀土矿化的流体的性质,以及原始H_2O-CO_2-BaSO_4-NaCl-(F-REE)流体在岩浆向水热转变的流体不混溶性可能产生的可能性。绵宁稀土矿床成因。



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